How to Schedule Time Off

Associates should follow department-specific guidelines for requesting time off, and requests should be made as far in advance as possible.
Modis will approve requests for time off based on departmental business needs.

All associates must complete the following steps when requesting time off: 

Planned Time Off:

  1. Notify Modis and Google manager by email, requesting absence approval.

  2. PTO approval must be documented through the go/Modisticket form.

  3. Mark time as absent on corp calendar

Unplanned Time Off:

  1. Same day or urgent requests MUST complete the OoO form by emailing go/modisticket 

  2. Inform Modis manager/ Google manager/ Google Lead by email.

PTO requests can be made up to 90 calendar days in advance. 

Associates should follow department-specific guidelines for notifying management of absences and tardiness. Unscheduled time off (UTO) adversely impacts productivity, performance, and morale. Associates who fail to utilize the proper process to report an absence, late arrival, or early departure may be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.

How Attendance Issues are Defined

Consistent with the Modis Attendance policy,

Attendance issues are defined as:

  • Late arrival to work

  • Late return from breaks or lunch 

  • Early departure before the end of the scheduled workday 

  • Any amount of time that is unaccounted for in Customer Tracking Systems

  • No Call/No Show